McDowell Growth Track
The McDowell Growth Track guides you to discover your redemptive purpose and live the life God created for you. The Growth Track is made up of three steps that will equip you to: Connect to the church, Discover your strengths, and your unique wirings, and Develop your God-given gifts to make a difference in the lives of others
101: Start Here
Learn what makes us, us. Here, you will learn the ins and outs of McDowell, our beliefs, leadership, and how we organize our church. You will also have the opportunity to join the CORE of McDowell.
201: Discover Your Purpose
You have been hard-wired for something specific. At 201, we will dive into the details of your personality and discover your gifts. These unique wirings have been intentionally placed within you to serve a specific purpose in the Kingdom of God.
301: Make a Difference
At 301, we will find out what it means to be a leader at McDowell. You will get the chance to be connected to everything we have available for you to lead out of your gifts, living out your purpose, and serving others by using your God-given gifts!